Last week we announced the results of our first annual Visitor’s Choice Awards. As a way to reward you the viewers for your participation in the survey we offered a $100 prize. The prize giveaway was optional and to enter all that was needed was enter your email address at the end of the survey. We then randomly selected an e-mail address from the ones submitted.
Congratulations to the winner Eric R. of Truckee, Ca. Eric received a $100 gift certificate from ReadyHeli good for anything at their online store. Looks like he wasted no time in picking something out to spend his prize dollars. Thanks to ReadyHeli for their generous support of the prize, Eric is obviously happy…read below.
I won…thanks RCHELIRESOURCE/READYHELI! Readyheli rocks beyond all…I just got my box of goodies from them and there must have been over a half dozen mints to go along with a beautiful Mikado FBL conversion kit.